The History & Archaeology of Cadia Valley


Cadia Village & Hinterland

The Assets of Benjamin Derrett, the Elder, of Cadia, 1869

The Case of Benjamin Derrett, storekeeper

Benjamin Derrett the Elder, of Cadia nr Orange Assets 18 March 1869
Taken by John Smith, Special Messenger.

1 piece of Calico Part box of Sperm Candles
1 “ “ Flannel 5 tins of lobsters
1 “ “ Muslin 12 “ “ Sardines
2 “ “ Handkerchiefs Lot of pipes
13 Garibaldi Jackets 1 parl. of Ginger & Nutmeg
1 piece of Nett [sic] 1 Package of Blue
1 Mans Coat 1 “ “ Resin
2 pr of drawers 3 Bottles of Fruit
3 Towels 3 tins of Oysters
1 Box of Comforters Box of Sundries
2 pieces of Calico 6 Tins of lollies
1 Ladies Jacket 4 “ “ Biscuits
Pt box of Children’s Socks 14 bottles of Pickles
4 packages of stockings 1 Tin of Nuts
3 Men’s Belts 1 package of Hops
1 Box of Sundries 6 boxes of Tape
1 “ “ Thread 6 Files
1 “ “ Men’s Collars 1 Magnet
1 “ “ Elastic 3 Padlocks & keys
4 pr Children’s Boots Gold scales and weights
2 Men’s ditto 14 Pocket Knives
1 Box of twine & Cotton Pot of pills & ointment
3 Hats 8 Bottles of Castor Oil
3 Caps 4 “ “ Salad ditto
2 pieces of Holland 1 Counter Brush
2 “ “ Print 1 pestle and Mortar
20 3 bushel bags 3 Scoops
1 pr of Hobbles 2 quarts
1 Besom Part of tin of Carb of Soda
3 Washing Boards 2 sets of Scales & weights
3 Miners dishes Small box of Soda
2 Tomahawks Part bag of split peas
1 Cheese 4 lbs of Tobacco
5 Bath bricks 5 Bags of flour
Small bag of pepper 2 shop lamps
10 tins of Mustard 50 lb of Sugar
1 “ “ Shot 12 lbs of Currants
1 Billy / quart & funnel 60 lb of Compy Sugar
4 tins of groats Broken Chest of Tea
4 “ “ Herrings Broken 1/2 Chest of Tea
9 “ “ Jam A quantity of vinegar
7 “ “ Cornflour 1 Drum of Kerosine
1/2 gross of Matches 1 Cwt of fine Salt
19 packages of plaid do 1/4 ditto Coarse “
1 bag of Sugar 6 lbs of Tallow
Small box of blacking Part of bag of dk Sugar
4 small looking glasses 9 Bars of Soap
2 Jews harps Part of a Keg of Butter
1 Saddle Box of Epsom Salts

Household furniture
1 Inkstand 1 Safe [meatsafe?]
1 Clock 1 Bird & Birdcage
1 Iron Bedstead Ottoman & Cover
1 Wooden ditto Knives & forks
Bed & bedding Crockery
1 Toilet glass Tinware – 2 Buckets
1 form 1 Basin & Chair
1 Table and cover 7 Cases and Covers
4 Chairs 4 Turkeys
12 Fowls

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