The History & Archaeology of Cadia Valley


Historical Timeline

An Inventory of Living and Working conditions, 1861.

The inventory of work completed by December 1861 reveals who was at Cadia by this time, their trades and skills, as well as the nature of the work in hand, though we may question some of the mathematics!


31 December 1861 – Cadiangullong Stock Plant, Improvements, etc. in the Cadiangullong Mine and Works.

Smelting shed 120 x 60 ft Bark roof £95
Refiner’s House 30 x 15 ft £21
Double House 40 x 12 ft £22
2 Single Houses 20 x 12 ft £22
1 Single house 22 x 12 ft £16 10s
Assay Office (Weigh House; furnace; etc) 42 x 15 ft Shingled £53
Stack and culvert £402 3s 4d
Ore flow culvert £38 18s 4d
Wood 1034 tons cut and carted @ 4/1 [per ton] £211 2s 2d
Ditto 309 tons @ 2/3d [per ton] £34 15s 3d
Lime 140 bushels burned and carted @ 2/2d [per bushel] £15 7s 4d
Ditto 381 @ 2/1d £38 12s 11d
Fire bricks 19 000 @ £6. 10s. [per thousand] £123 10s
Common bricks 25 000 @ 27/6d [per thousand] £34 7s 6d
Quartz 17 tons @ 15/- [per ton] £12 15s

1 fire brick machine £20
Brick maker – 6 narrow barrows @ 40/- £16
3 iron Nibbles £1 4s
2 adzes 12s
2 spades 13s
2 powder cans 4s 6d
6 gimlets 2s
total £1 11s 6d
1 can 3s
2 brushes 2s 1d
Chisel 1s 9d
Hacksaw 7s
total 13s 10d
Mine Buildings
Powder Magazine £16
Captain’s House and working office 60 x 15 ft £52
Closet etc £2
Blacksmith’s and Carpenter’s shop 42 x 15 ft £23
Carpenter’s and Engineer’s House £27
Store and Back Shed for hay £8
Manager’s House £80
Well £8
Dam; Race; etc for ore floors £48
Outlay on weir of dam @ £15 £63
Grass Paddock of 330 rods £66 3
Cultivated Paddock £48 18 4
Stock Yard £8 0 6
2 Bridges; cutting of road; works and quarry £72

Total £483 1 10

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